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10.6. Summary

Linux and networking go hand in hand. The Linux kernel has support for all common and most uncommon network protocols. The standard UNIX networking tools are provided in each distribution. Next to those, most distributions offer tools for easy network installation and management.

Linux is well known as a stable platform for running various Internet services, the amount of Internet software is endless. Like UNIX, Linux can be just as well used and administered from a remote location, using one of several solutions for remote execution of programs.

We briefly touched the subject of security. Linux is an ideal firewall system, light and cheap, but can be used in several other network functions such as routers and proxy servers.

Increasing network security is mainly done by applying frequent updates and common sense.

Here is an overview of network related commands:

Table 10-2. New commands in chapter 10: Networking

ftpTransfer files to another host (insecure).
hostGet information about networked hosts.
ifconfigDisplay IP address information.
ipDisplay IP address information.
netstatDisplay routing information and network statistics.
pingSend answer requests to other hosts.
rdesktopDisplay and MS Windows desktop on your Linux system.
routeShow routing information.
scpSecure copy files to and from other hosts.
sftpSecure FTP files to and from other hosts.
sshMake an encrypted connection to another host.
ssh-keygenGenerate authentication keys for Secure SHell.
telnetMake an insecure connection to another hosts.
tracepath/traceroutePrint the route that packets follow to another host.
whoisGet information abotu a domain name.
xclockX Window clock application, handy for testing remote display.
xhostX Window access control tool.